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A multidisciplinary collective to shape livable cities that people love. We can't wait to see what the future holds as we continue to innovate and create.

Last updated

01 - 08 - 2024

Hi, we're bcc.
We connect knowledge with creativity to design livable cities people love.
We shape & create a better future.

Our clients:

Federal & Local Authorities


Private Sector



We're bcc, a multidisciplinary urban design collective, based in Berlin.

We're creating a livable future for everyone. Our collective of architects, urban planners, consultants, project managers, designers, communicators, strategists and thinkers collaborate on projects shaping our environment.

the collective

We approach new projects in a unique way:
Based on your needs, we combine the best experts from our collective. This interdisciplinary collaboration enables the most effective solution for your project and hence the best possible outcome. Furthermore we have developed a unique phase model to help us create vital space.

Phase 0: Place definition

A key principle for good urban development is co-production, which means a coordinated collaboration between civil society, businesses, and administration. In co-production, it's not about citizen participation and not about having a say in already planned projects! Co-production means: citizens as city-makers, equality between equal partners, decision-making from phase 0 onwards. "We make the city together!"
Phase 0 starts every project by identifying stakeholders. These are individuals or groups who have an interest in or will be affected by the project. Understanding their needs, concerns, and expectations first is essential for the success.

Phase 1: Strategy

The strategic definition of a project is a critical phase that lays the groundwork for its success. It involves setting clear objectives, identifying key stakeholders, and outlining the overall approach to achieving the desired outcomes. At the heart of strategic definition is the establishment of project goals and objectives. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Additionally, the strategic definition phase involves assessing the project environment and conducting a feasibility study. This helps determine whether the project is viable within the constraints of time, budget, resources, and other factors. It also involves identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them. Furthermore, strategic definition includes defining the project scope, which outlines the boundaries of the project and what is included or excluded.

Phase 2: Concept & Development

The Concept & Development phase transforms strategic visions into actionable plans through detailed designs, technical planning, and continuous stakeholder engagement. Detailed designs and models, created to illustrate the project's needs and function, while incorporating innovative solutions for a better city. The Concept & Development phase culminates in a well-defined, feasible, and community-endorsed project plan, guiding the detailed design, construction, and implementation of the urban development project. By fostering stakeholder collaboration, encouraging innovative solutions, and ensuring meticulous technical planning, this phase lays the foundation for creating vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive urban spaces, embodying the principle of co-production: "We make the city together."

Phase 3: Pilot & Optimization

Pilot projects are implemented to test elements and gather real-world data. Feedback from these projects is used to refine concepts and address practical challenges before full-scale implementation. Resource mobilization involves securing funding through public-private partnerships, grants, and community investments. A skilled, multidisciplinary team is assembled to execute the development plans. After pilot projects, further optimization is conducted to address any remaining issues and enhance the project's overall effectiveness.

Phase 4: Implementation

The Implementation phase is where the vision finally becomes reality, translating planning into tangible results. By maintaining rigorous oversight, fostering continuous stakeholder engagement, and ensuring high standards of quality and safety, this phase ensures the successful realization of the project's goals, contributing to the creation of vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive urban spaces. This phase involves the actual construction and development of the project, guided by the detailed plans and specifications established in the previous phases. It is a period of intense activity, coordination, and oversight to ensure the project is executed according to plan and meets the established goals and objectives.
Project managers track progress against the project timeline, budget, and milestones, making adjustments as necessary to address any deviations. This phase culminates in the official handover of the project, marking its readiness for use by the community.

Phase 5: Evaluation & Documentation

The Evaluation and Documentation phase is the final stage in the development process, focusing on assessing the project's outcomes and capturing valuable insights for future initiatives. This phase involves a comprehensive review of the project's performance against its original objectives, providing a clear picture of its successes and areas for improvement. The Evaluation and Documentation phase ensures that every project contributes to a growing body of knowledge, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of future projects. By rigorously assessing outcomes and meticulously documenting the process, this phase helps create a legacy of continuous learning and improvement, ultimately leading to the development of better spaces.

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better cities collective
Friedrichstraße 135
10117 Berlin