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Designentwurf für neue Fahrradstraßen





Scope of Work

The campaign aims to raise awareness and promote the use of Bicycle Streets by highlighting their safety, health, community, and sustainability benefits. Targeting cyclists, motorists, the general public, and policymakers, the campaign will feature posters, brochures, flyers, billboards, and print ads with consistent visual branding. The campaign was executed in three phases: research and concept development, design and production, and distribution and launch, with post-campaign analysis to assess impact and adjust strategy if needed. The goal is to integrate Fahrradstraßen into daily urban life, enhancing mobility and livability.



The project involves the design and implementation of a print campaign to endorse "Fahrradstraßen", which are dedicated bicycle streets aimed at improving urban mobility, safety, and sustainability. The campaign will focus on increasing public awareness and encouraging the adoption of these bike-friendly streets among cyclists, motorists, and the general public. To achieve this, a series of visually compelling and informative print materials—such as posters, brochures, flyers, billboards, and newspaper ads—will be developed and strategically distributed across key urban locations. The campaign will be rolled out in three phases: concept development, design and production, and distribution, followed by an evaluation to measure its effectiveness and refine the approach as needed. The ultimate goal is to integrate Fahrradstraßen into the everyday lives of urban residents, fostering a safer and more sustainable city environment.

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better cities collective
Friedrichstraße 135
10117 Berlin