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Stadt Osnabrück

Kommunikation Fahrradstraßen Sutthausen & Weststadt


Stadt Osnabrück



Scope of Work

The communication plan for the bicycle streets in Sutthausen and Ernst-Sievers-Straße aims to effectively engage local residents by providing clear, accessible information and gathering community feedback. Public consultations, both in-person and virtual, will be organized to ensure broad participation. Regular updates and a feedback mechanism will keep the community informed and involved throughout the project. Post-implementation evaluations will assess the success of these efforts and their impact on the project's outcome.



In Osnabrück, several new bicycle streets are currently being established, including in the districts of Sutthausen and the Weststadt. These initiatives are part of the city's strategy to promote cycling and create safer alternative routes to the busy main roads. The street "Am Forsthaus" in Sutthausen is being converted into a bicycle street. Here, cycling is prioritized, while motor vehicles are considered "guests" and must yield to cyclists. The speed limit is set at 30 km/h, and cyclists are explicitly allowed to ride side by side. However, at intersections, the usual right-of-way rules, such as "right before left," continue to apply. In the Weststadt, Ernst-Sievers-Straße is also being transformed into a bicycle street. This road is a crucial route for cyclists and will run parallel to the heavily trafficked Rheiner Landstraße. Special markings and protective lanes are planned to enhance safety for cyclists. In some sections, Ernst-Sievers-Straße will be given priority, while major intersections will continue to follow the traffic light system or "right before left" rule. A key aspect of these projects has been the successful implementation of citizen-centered communication. With our help the city of Osnabrück has actively engaged with local residents, ensuring that their concerns and suggestions were heard and addressed throughout the planning and execution phases. This approach not only fostered community support but also contributed to a smoother implementation of the bicycle streets. By holding public consultations and providing clear, accessible information about the changes, the city managed to create a sense of shared ownership among residents, ensuring that these new streets would be embraced by the community

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10117 Berlin