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Stadt Osnabrück
Urban Planning
Project Management

Mobile Stadtgärten


Stadt Osnabrück



Scope of Work

The "Mobile Stadtgärten" project in Osnabrück involved creating movable urban gardens to green underutilized spaces and promote sustainability. It engaged the community through workshops and events, fostering environmental awareness and social cohesion. The initiative emphasized sustainable practices and demonstrated the potential for creative, temporary use of urban spaces.



The city of Osnabrück has implemented a project featuring mobile city gardens to improve urban green spaces and climate resilience. These modular gardens, developed through a collaboration between the better cities collective, design firm André Stocker and the Schraeder GmbH company, include seating and planting elements that create pleasant spaces along city streets. The modular design makes them highly mobile and easy to configure in various combinations. After one season the gardens move to another parking space, leaving the previous parking spot to be unsealed and turned into green space. Initially set up at four parking lot locations—Bierstraße, Hasestraße, Domhof, and Johannisfreiheit—they feature mint-green steel modules with larchwood seating, designed to offer both aesthetic appeal and practical climate benefits. This project, as part of the EU-funded "Perspective City Centre" initiative, aims to create more pedestrian-friendly areas and improve the microclimate by replacing parking spaces with attractive green areas​​. These gardens are part of Osnabrück's climate adaptation strategy, helping to reclaim parking spaces for pedestrians and cyclists while introducing more greenery. The flexible design allows the gardens to move to new sites each season, and residents can suggest future locations via the city's dialogue and participation portal​. The idea is to involve the community in shaping the city’s urban landscape and promote understanding of key issues like climate change and land use. After relocation, the previous garden sites are restored with permanent greenery, ensuring a lasting impact on urban quality of life​.

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better cities collective
Friedrichstraße 135
10117 Berlin